
Let's Talk About Miyazaki

Let's Talk About Miyazaki

Let's Talk About Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki is quite literally the reason I became an artist. At a young age I watched Spirited Away for the first time and it became a favorite, so much of a favorite that I can recite almost every word. The art, the way he is able to tell a story and the ability he has to put so much magic in his work makes him one of the people who has inspired me the most in my life. I’ve spent years buying his art books and studying his work, gaining inspiration for my own work and enjoying all of the films. Every good brand starts with great creators and great ideas, and he is one I will always remember to pay tribute to.

Hayao Miyazaki is quite literally the reason I became an artist. At a young age I watched Spirited Away for the first time and it became a favorite, so much of a favorite that I can recite almost every word. The art, the way he is able to tell a story and the ability he has to put so much magic in his work makes him one of the people who has inspired me the most in my life. I’ve spent years buying his art books and studying his work, gaining inspiration for my own work and enjoying all of the films. Every good brand starts with great creators and great ideas, and he is one I will always remember to pay tribute to.

Hayao Miyazaki is quite literally the reason I became an artist. At a young age I watched Spirited Away for the first time and it became a favorite, so much of a favorite that I can recite almost every word. The art, the way he is able to tell a story and the ability he has to put so much magic in his work makes him one of the people who has inspired me the most in my life. I’ve spent years buying his art books and studying his work, gaining inspiration for my own work and enjoying all of the films. Every good brand starts with great creators and great ideas, and he is one I will always remember to pay tribute to.

Here is some of his work, which does a great job of showing his creative process and how his products come to be.



Empathy is one a top priority in product design, and that's something Studio Ghibli nurtures so well. All of the stories evoke feelings and show pain points in many characters in many ways. Some of these stories empathize with those who are misunderstood, those who cannot speak and those who struggle with their self-worth. We see ourselves through these characters, and despite their universe being so different from our own we are able to connect on a primal level.

Empathy is one a top priority in product design, and that's something Studio Ghibli nurtures so well. All of the stories evoke feelings and show pain points in many characters in many ways. Some of these stories empathize with those who are misunderstood, those who cannot speak and those who struggle with their self-worth. We see ourselves through these characters, and despite their universe being so different from our own we are able to connect on a primal level.

Brand Identity

Brand Identity

Brand Identity

The Brand Identity is strong with Studio Ghibli. There was never a time where I passed by one of their products and didn't know who it belonged to, a goal that every company has. Having a mix of visual style and epic storytelling creates an identity that is never forgotten.

The Brand Identity is strong with Studio Ghibli. There was never a time where I passed by one of their products and didn't know who it belonged to, a goal that every company has. Having a mix of visual style and epic storytelling creates an identity that is never forgotten.

The Brand Identity is strong with Studio Ghibli. There was never a time where I passed by one of their products and didn't know who it belonged to, a goal that every company has. Having a mix of visual style and epic storytelling creates an identity that is never forgotten.

Everyone is Included

Everyone is Included

Despite Studio Ghibli's movies being quite long, the story is easy to follow and doesn't grow stale. I love the fact that the movies can be enjoyed and understood by all, including young children. Being able to watch this with my daughter and have her follow along with the movie and storyline was refreshing. A product that is for all has a demographic so wide that the product can flourish in every way possible.

Despite Studio Ghibli's movies being quite long, the story is easy to follow and doesn't grow stale. I love the fact that the movies can be enjoyed and understood by all, including young children. Being able to watch this with my daughter and have her follow along with the movie and storyline was refreshing. A product that is for all has a demographic so wide that the product can flourish in every way possible.

Attention to Detail

Attention to Detail

The details in Studio Ghibli's movies are surreal. Every illustration is perfect down to single objects, and the details are never-ending. Because of this, there is always something to see and see in a different way if watching it more than once. We see this attention to detail the most in Howl's Moving Castle. All of the pieces of the castle and hundreds of decorations on the wall are things that aren't 'necessary' but make Studio Ghibli what it is.

The details in Studio Ghibli's movies are surreal. Every illustration is perfect down to single objects, and the details are never-ending. Because of this, there is always something to see and see in a different way if watching it more than once. We see this attention to detail the most in Howl's Moving Castle. All of the pieces of the castle and hundreds of decorations on the wall are things that aren't 'necessary' but make Studio Ghibli what it is.

To sum it up

To sum it up

Studio Ghibli is an example of a brand with great identity, consistent style, a wide demographic and memorable content. Each product tells it's own story with a good flow and in a way that is understood by all. The details are captivating and keep your eyes drawn in without taking away from the story itself, keeping the viewer entertained and coming back to watch it again. Hayao Miyazaki has mastered each part of the design process, and I enjoy every piece of work he has brought to the company.

Studio Ghibli is an example of a brand with great identity, consistent style, a wide demographic and memorable content. Each product tells it's own story with a good flow and in a way that is understood by all. The details are captivating and keep your eyes drawn in without taking away from the story itself, keeping the viewer entertained and coming back to watch it again. Hayao Miyazaki has mastered each part of the design process, and I enjoy every piece of work he has brought to the company.